Basic Prototyping

This software helps you create basic clickable prototypes with transitions or animations. It's commonly used to demonstrate or test basic UI interactivity.


Do you use software for basic UI prototyping?

Yes: 2556 responses, No: 392 responses, I use other tools: 250 responses, I'm not sure: 71 responses,

Most Popular Basic UI Prototyping Tools

Which software do you primarily use for basic UI prototyping?

Counting Number of responses. Used as primary tool: Tool: Figma: 1907, ProtoPie: 118, AdobeXD: 133, (Code): 83, Framer: 15, Sketch: 42, AfterEffects: 20, Axure: 30, InVision: 21, Principle: 8, Uizard: 30, Balsamiq: 16, Webflow: 8, Visily: 21, Penpot: 12, Other: 98,. Used as secondary tool: Tool: Figma: 131, ProtoPie: 85, AdobeXD: 52, (Code): 85, Framer: 56, Sketch: 28, AfterEffects: 45, Axure: 28, InVision: 35, Principle: 34, Uizard: 6, Balsamiq: 17, Webflow: 19, Visily: 2, Penpot: 5, Other: 112,.


Top rated tools

Highests ratings for tools with a large number of responses.

4.68 (116)
4.31 (1860)
Adobe XD
4.01 (128)

New or noteworthy

These tools didn't gather enough responses to meet our ratings criteria but are still worth checking out.

4.79 (28)
4.33 (27)
3.9 (42)

AI Usage in UI Design Tools

Are you using AI within any of the tools you selected for UI design?

Yes: 146 responses, No: 2183 responses, I'm not sure: 203 responses,

Paying for Basic Prototyping Software

Segmented by payment status

Counting Number of responses. My team, employer, or university pays for it: Tool: Figma: 1519, Adobe XD: 86, ProtoPie: 78, (Code): 21, Sketch: 27,. I pay for it myself (out of pocket): Tool: Figma: 122, Adobe XD: 28, ProtoPie: 16, (Code): 13, Sketch: 14,. I'm using it for free: Tool: Figma: 256, Adobe XD: 18, ProtoPie: 22, (Code): 47, Sketch: 0,.