AI Usage
Do you use an AI assistant as part of your regular work?
For the first time, we're beginning to survey how respondents use AI in their design process. We see a massive opportunity here.
Do you use an AI assistant as part of your regular work?
65% of respondents are already using AI in their work.
13% of respondents haven't used AI and aren't interested in doing so.
Which AI assistant do you primarily use?
84% of respondents who use AI assistants are using ChatGPT.
The "Other" responses contain generative tools like Midjourney and Firefly, showcasing our lack of common vocabulary around AI.
How confident do you feel in your understanding of this generation of AI tools?
Respondents generally feel positive about their understanding of current AI tools.
41 respondents who feel very confident about AI tools also reported not using them in their work at all. These respondents may have experienced AI in other contexts, but don't see a viable application to their work.
Are you using AI within any of the tools you selected for [category]? (as a percentage)
These results show the percentage of respondents who use AI with the tools they selected for each category. The highest category, UI Design, only reported 12.2% usage.
Each category in this report includes a related graph with a summary of the use cases for AI in that category.